Wednesday, December 18, 2013

94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group in Conjunction With The Federal Aviation Reserve Creates a (5 1/2 x 4) Inch Collector Postcard To Commemorate The George T. Baker School USCG Grumman HU-16 Project Accomplishment

The visual progress from October 2012 to December 2013

Shown is the backside of the postcard as created by the graphic marketing specialist at the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) presenting the visual, restoration progress from October 2013 to December 2013, with a picture of a once, Miami based HU-16 at then Coast Guard AirStation Miami when it was located at Dinner Key on Biscayne Bay

Photo taken on 14th January 2013 Project Kick-off 

The front side of the postcard shows the team in which 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant (94th ACG) Group Founder and CEO Benny Benitez assembled. Shown from left to right are, Mr. Codi Diamond, FAA Certified Flight Instructor and 94thACG-Flight Department / Pilot, Dr. Sean Gagallan, Principle of the George T. Baker Aviation School, Captain Roberto Gomez-Pilot / Operation Manager at Miami-Seaplane base (X-44), Captain Andy Delgado-USCG (then) Executive Officer of Coast Air Station Miami, Mr.Benny F. Benitez, CEO-94th ACG-(HU-16 project creator), Mr.Allan Munoz Technical Instructor at George T. Baker School, AMT2 George Martinez-USCG, project liaison between the School and Air Station Miami and Mr.........Esq.


Sunday, December 15, 2013

94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group Is Recognized By U.S. Coast Guard 7th District As Commanded By Rear Admiral John H. Korn With An Award For Excellence In Supporting The U.S. Coast Guard

A photograph of Rear Admiral John H. "Jake" Korn, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander USCG 7th District Miami, Florida

Letter of Appreciation from USCG Rear Admiral John "Jake" Korn as presented to the George T. Baker Aviation School, Staff, Instructors and Students who took part in the HU-16 restoration project as presented by Captain Richard Kenin Chief of Staff USCG 7th District

The front side of the challenge coin presented to Benny F. Benitez the Founder and CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group of Miami by Captain Richard Kenin, USCG, Coast Guard 7th District on behave of  Rear Admiral Korn for his vision and leadership in the creation and execution of the Grumman HU-16 Albatross project at the George T. Baker Aviation School

The back side of the award challenge coin showing the Rear Admiral two star flat and the U.S. Coast Guard motto of Semper Paratus meaning "Always Ready' a statement that the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group as adhered to and has lived by for the decade while operating worldwide

Shown from left to right along side the amazingly, cosmetically restored nose section of the Grumman HU-16 Albatross are Dr. Sean Gallagan, Principle of the George T. Baker Aviation School, Captain Joe Kimball, USCG and Commanding Office of Coast Guard Air Station Miami based at Opa Locka Airport, Captain Richard Kenin, USCG and Chief of Staff for Coast Guard 7th District Miami and Lt.Col. Rodrigo Huete UASF (Ret.) FAA D.E.R Test Pilot a friend and professional colleague of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group

A segment slide from the formal presentation conducted at the George T. Baker Aviation School library showing the venerable, Grumman HU-16 Albatross aircraft in U.S. Coast Guard colors
Another side showing the founder and creator of the restoration project and an advocate for U.S. Naval Aviation and the U.S. Coast Guard here within South Florida 

Shown speaking to the school student body present is U.S. Coast Guard Aviator, Captain Richard Kenin, Chief of Staff for U.S. Coast Guard 7th District Miami about the history of U.S. Coast Guard Aviation which commenced U.S. Coast Guard pilot No.1 Commander Elmer F. Stone

Shown listing to Captain Kenin's speech is fellow Aviator and colleagues Captain Joe Kimball, Commanding Officer of Coast Guard Air Station Miami based at Opa Locka Airport

In attendance shown left to right is Senior Chief Petty Officer Stephen Goyette (AMTCS) and Aviation Maintenance Technician 2nd Class (AMT2) George Martinez. Petty Officer Martinez was the liaison between the school and the Air Station for logistical support as well as providing the students inside knowledge of Coast Guard aviation maintenance practices and standards which he employs to maintain Coast Guard aircraft's

Shown listing to Captain Kenin speech are two of the students who participated with the project and school instructor Mr. Dan Salcedo who was instrumental is fabricating the tow trailer mounts which securely holds the noses section for display and road transportation

Miami, Florida 12th December 2013: For those who have followed this story within the various posting concerning this project from its official kick off back on January 14th 2013 and have seen the visual progress, we are happy to report that complete TEAM effort was officially recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard 7th District under the Command of U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral John H. Korn.
An official dedication ceremony was held at the George T. Baker Aviation School to honor the many students and dedicated instructors who made the project a total success. Speaking on behave of U.S. Coast Guard 7th District was their Chief of Staff, Captain Richard Kenin who commended the undertaking, dedication and professional results that the students achieved. He shared with the students the history U.S. Coast Guard Aviation and proudly stated that the students and school are now for ever connected to Coast Guard Aviation.
Also present was Captain Joe Kimball, Commanding Officer of Coast Guard Air Station Miami located at Opa Locka airport who also praised the students and instructors for an amazing, cosmetic restoration on something that was originally headed for the scrappers torch. A great deal of thanks goes out to Captain Kimball, as his personal were instrumental in assisting the students and providing logistical support. Aviation Maintenance Technician 2nd Class AMT2 George Martinez was the lead Petty Officer who acted as the liaison by and between the school and the air station.
Captain Kenin on behave of Rear Admiral presented Dr. Sean Gallagan the Principle of George T. Baker with an official letter of appreciation for actions performed to promote, foster and encourage U.S. Naval Aviation in South Florida.
Equally, Benny F. Benitez was also called front and center so as to be awarded a U.S. Coast Guard 7th District challenge coin for his vision and creativity for creating all the synergy that brought all of the elements together for a success TEAM effort.
In closing, Benny advised that he has set his sights to hopefully secure and obtain for the school a U.S. Coast Guard HU-25 Falcon Jet, which the U.S. Coast Guard are activity retiring.