Monday, June 27, 2016

The 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group Undertakes The Due Diligence To Conduct An Opinionated Fair Market Value Appraisal & Liquidated Value Of General Electric CFM56-3 Combustion Area Tooling

As the sole South Florida aviation consulting company, the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) is trusted by many Banks to render proper industry value appraisals

Shown a some of over forty-five (45) pieces of General Electric (GE) CFM56-3 engine combustion area tooling at a local, FAA approved engine repair and overhaul shop with the (94th ACG) has to render their opinionated fair market appraised value as well as liquidated value for their Bank client

Since the commencement of the 1st quarter of 2016 to now the ending of the 2nd quarter 2016, the (94th ACG) has undertaken and accomplished a total of four (4) industry appraisals consisting  and totaling well over US$1,539,000.00 Dollars in appraised value items

Miami, Florida 24th June 2016: Having a mastering command and an unchallenged positioned among the many South Florida based Banks who deal with aviation equipment and tooling lending and financing, the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) under the leadership of its Founder and CEO, Mr. Benny F. Benitez is the one aviation consultant firm which they call on.
Just this year alone within the first and second quarter, the (94th ACG) has render their skills and financial savvy toward a total of four (4) aviation equipment and tooling appraisal toward just one local, Miami, Florida Bank client totaling well over US$1.5 million in appraised assets for the sake of lending and financing, as this is but just one a several revenue generator channels that the (94th ACG) has and exercises.  
Currently, the (94th ACG) has been approached by Regions Bank who wishes to speak to the firm for possible assistance in related manners, as they too have noticed the potential that is the South Florida aviation market. The (94th-ACG) business forecasting predicts about three to four more related appraisals projects for the new to start third quarter of 2016.

Monday, June 6, 2016

The 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group Industry Service Announcement / Up Coming Event / Save The Date 9th June 2016

A supporter of the AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION (AFA) since 2006 and a proud and active member of the Miami-Homestead AFA-317th

The 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group Industry Service Announcement / Up Coming Event / Save The Date 15th June 2016

(Location To Be Annouced) 

A Supporter of the Miami Maintenance Management Council (MMMC) since 2004 and now a proud supporter of the newly developed South Florida Aviation Management Council (SFAMC) the continuation of the MMMC

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group Is An Invited Aviation Industry Guess To The Miami FBI Domestic Security Alliance Council Conference

The entrance sign at the newly built South Florida Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) field office "Miami" located in Miramar, Florida. This facility open back in 2015 and supports all FBI activity for the whole of South Florida

With the vast amount of aviation and aerospace manufacturing and repair facilities located in South Florida, aerospace related economic espionage is an issue of concern for the FBI

The converted Miami Division FBI patch

The Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC) logo

Miramar, Florida 3rd June 2016: As a 2010 graduate of the FBI Citizen Academy program Class 11, the 11th class ever since the program commenced in Miami, Florida, as well as a member of INFRAGARD and a board member of the South Florida INFRAGARD as the "Aviation" specialist, 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) Founder and CEO Benny F. Benitez has maintained an active and supportive relation with the Bureau since 2010.
The 94th ACG is the sole aviation consultant group in all of South Florida that is consider the "bridge" by and between the Bureau and the South Florida Maintenance Repair Organization (MRO) community. Often the Bureau calls upon the 94th ACG for special consultation for a total understanding of the industry. Having been invited and have visited the FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C and walked the halls and entered situation briefing rooms that not to many American citizen get to see, as well as spent time at the Bureau training facility at Quantico, Virginia, the 94th ACG is a special, appreciated and respected asset to the Bureau.
The recent Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC) conference held here in Miramar, Florida at the Miami FBI field office was well organized, presented and very informative. Great job done by Special Agent Griffith. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group Speaks and Presents At The George T. Baker Aviation Technical College 2016 Graduation Ceremony

The George T. Baker Aviation Technical College 2016 graduation ceremony was held at Jackson Memorial High School facility which accommodated over 500 attendees and the 2016 graduates

Introduced to the podium by Principle Rene Mantilla, Mr. Benny F. Benitez Founder and CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) and the Chair of the College Aviation Industry Steering Committee Mr. Benitez gave a few words of encouragement to the graduates and attending parents and guest

Shown on center stage are what we at the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) consider the "Hero's of Aviation" the dedicated, experience and professional instructors who make the George T. Baker Aviation Technical College a world class institution 

Shown with Mr. Benny F. Benitez Founder and CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) is Mrs. Kim Merced. Kim is the current President of South Florida Aviation Maintenance Council, which was formerly known as the Miami Maintenance Management Council  

Miami, Florida 24th May 2016: As the volunteer Chair of the aviation industry steering committee at the Miami, Florida based George T.Baker Aviation Technical College, Benny F. Benitez, the Founder and CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) spoke at the recent 2016 graduation ceremony which was held at Jackson Memorial High School which was able to accommodate the well 300 plus people in attendance.
As a staunch and avid support of aviation technical training for the youth of Miami Dade County, Mr. Benitez works with unsurpassed dedication to ensure that the critical bridge by and between the College and industry is well established and constantly flowing.
When invited onto the stage by Principle, Mr. Rene Mantilla, Mr. Benitez gave words of support and encouragement to the graduates, parents and staff in as he publicly announced of his company and his personal efforts to secure for donation a General Electric, CFM-56-3B2 equipped, Boeing 737-400 / 500 commercial aircraft from Southwest Airlines for the College.
If successful, this would be the second Boeing 737 in which Mr. Benitez would bring to Miami, Florida for the benefit of the College, as back in 2010 he secured and delivered a Boeing 737-200 tail number N205AU of which six years later it is a tremendous and beneficial technical training asset to the school and the student body. 

The 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group Applies Their Expertise Concerning The Appraisal of Aviation Equipment and Tooling To Facilitate The Donation of Jet Engine To An Atlanta, Georgia Based High School

Shown is a Pratt & Whitney JT8D-9A production serial number 665231 which was appraised for donation to the Dekalb, Georgia based McNAir High School located just outside of Atlanta

Shown is the model number of the JT8D series (-9A) with its production serial number. The -9A model of the JT8D is commonly utilized on the Boeing 727 and the 737-200 aircrafts

Shown is the aft / turbine exhaust area of the engine. The engine is shown with no Quick Engine Change (QEC) kit which consist of the applicable accessories 

The engine was appraised for donation with the Pratt & Whitney approved engine shipping stand, which shall help in road transporting of the engine from Lake Charles, Louisianan to Dekalb, Georgia

Shown in a 2011 stock photo is Captain Barrington Irving aviation world record holder and the founder of Experience Aviation and Mr Benny F Benitez, the Founder & CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) who have team up to help students in Dekalb, Georgia launch an aviation program at their school

Miami, Florida 16th May 2016: Recently, the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) under the leadership of Founder and CEO Benny F. Benitez accomplished what would be called in baseball as a triple play. Being a known and respected entirety in establishing the fair market, opinionated, appraised valued for aviation equipment and tooling, as well as being board approved by many Miami, Florida and U.S. based banks who deal with aviation lending, the 94th ACG in one well planned play assisted a long time and respected client, supported a worth wild aviation educational organization of a friend and assisted a inner city school in Atlanta, Georgia.  
The 94th ACG recently was tapped by a long time client to appraise a Pratt and Whitney JT8D-9A for possible donation consideration and a proper tax write off. Not only was the engine properly appraised, the 94th ACG called upon their long time, world famous friend Captain Barrington Irving to see if they could help his "Experience Aviation organization" by providing a JT8D engine as a donation for instructional learning. 
Captain Irving was delighted and long story short the engine has been donated to Dekalb, Georgia based McNAir High School located just outside of Atlanta for their budding aviation program, which is being supported and headed up by the Experience Aviation organization. When asked, Benny said, we always feel proud when our experience, tutelage and determination to do the job right has multiple benefits and expanding our influence and assistance to Atlanta, Georgia is an honor for us.