Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consulting Group Delivers a Piper Aztec to Client in Roatan, Honduras

June 2006 Miami, Florida: The 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consulting Group (94th ACG) was retained by a U.S. Central American Construction Company to oversee the inspection, purchase and delivery of their first ever Company aircraft. TradeMark Builder of Roatan, Honduras engaged with the (94th ACG) to ensure the successful acquisition and delivery of their Piper Aztec N40603.
The (94th ACG) in conjunction with their Aviation Strategic Alliance Partners (A.S.A.P's) Atlantic Aviation of Tamiami Airport (KTMB) undertook the pre-buy inspection of the aircraft.
Upon a successful inspection by Atlantic Aviation and identifying well over 18 squawks of which the seller properly addressed, the aircraft was ready for delivery.
After rendering the plane a proper exterior detailing and interior deep cleaning, as well as all the applicable ferry flight insurance paperwork and other related documents were in order, the ferry pilot was called into play. Mr, Chris Waltson an experienced and well respected ferry pilot and both a friend and associated of the Firm was summoned to deliver N40603 to Roatan (RTB). Pilot in Command Waltson successfully and in a timely manner delivered the aircraft to the client who were amazed and delighted at the level of client / customer service in which they experienced from the monument they signed the retainer with the Firm until the aircraft was delivered in a brilliant exterior shine and squeaky clean logbook.

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