Saturday, May 8, 2010

The 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group Is Called Upon To Conduct a Pre-Buy Inspection Concerning a Beechcraft King Air 200

Aircraft N5MK, serial number BB-37, King-Air 200 Visual detailed inspection of the aircraft upper fuselage area
Close up view of the right hand propeller, exhaust port and engine nacelle, which houses a Pratt & Whitney PT6A-41 turbo-prop engine serial number 81213 with current times of 4,749.4 hours & 8,236 cycles
A view of the left hand engine propeller, exhaust port and engine nacelle, which houses a Pratt & Whitney PT6A-41 turbo-prop engine serial number 81801 with current times of 5,119.0 hours and 8,970 cycles. Note the open port side / forward avionics equipment compartment area

Jacksonville, Texas 4th & 5th May 2010: On Tuesday May 4th elements of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) of Miami, Florida were on the move into the Great State of Texas, so as to undertake a pre-buy inspection of a Beechcraft King-Air 200 for a new Central American client. The client was recommended to the (94th ACG) by Royal Marine Insurance of Miami, Florida ( Once officially retained by the client, plans where put into effect to head out to Jacksonville, Texas, which is located about 145 miles Southeast of the Dallas / Fort Worth area.
Being no stranger to utilizing any available means of transportation so as to achieve their operational objective and to reach their area of operations, a commercial flight was established from Miami to Dallas via Atlanta. Upon arrival into Dallas another flight was conducted from Grand Prairie Airport (KGPM) to Cherokee County Airport (KJOS) within a Piper Archer N8450D provided by the folks at Ridge-Aire, the sellers of the aircraft.
The general, detailed visual inspection of the King-Air and its associated technical and historical records was accomplished within two and half days, with no major discrepancies noted on either the aircraft and / or the records. Based on its 1979 vintage, the aircraft was found to be in expectational good condition.
A note worthy mention is in order for the folks at Ridge-Aire, who's professionalism and good old Texas hospitality was appreciated during our visitation to their facility and for providing the required airlift to and from Dallas.
World Wide Aviation Specialists
A.B. "Bud" Ridgley-Sales Manager

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