Saturday, February 11, 2012

94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group Attend As Invited Guest In Observing The Launching Of The New Boeing QF-16 Program For Department of Defense

Ceremonies being held at the Boeing facility in Jacksonville, Floirda to
formally launch the QF-16 drone program
The F-16 Falcon will now commence to see a role
as target drones for live fire exercises
A detailed close up of an F-16 being inspected and fitted with autonomous flight control systems, which will make it a "QF" F-16, hence the "Q" designates a DRONE aircraft
A lower view of an F-16 being modified for the "QF" program. Note the electrical generator mounted above the landing gears

Jacksonville, Florida 11th February 2011: As a dedicated supporter of our Nation Military and certain programs, the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) attended a ceremony held in Jacksonville, Florida concerning the new target drone program for the Department of Defense. With operational stock of QF-4s and very few QF-106's, Vietnam era fighter aircraft's operationally available, the Department of Defense has awarded Boeing a contract to modify older block series F-16's into the venerable role of becoming live aerial drone targets, hence QF-16's.
This program will allow for the utilization of live aerial targets to be used by USAF, USN and USMC fighter pilots to hone their aerial skill, by experiencing the shoot down of hostile enemy aircraft in the air to air mode or as know Air Combat Maneuvers (ACM).
This program will also serve valuable training to ground base anti aircraft missile platforms, as found on board U.S. Navy ships as well. Noted in the first top photograph is an F-16 with its tail code of "AC", which represents a former F-16 from the New Jersey Air National Guard, which as based and operated out of Atlantic City, New Jersey.
The QF-16 production contract will convert up to 126 retired F16's into QF-16 full-scale aerial targets-manned and unmanned, so as to test newly developed weapons and tactics.
BAE Systems is a major subcontractor to Boeing on the QF-16 program, jointly developing key software and providing the design and development of the Automatic Flight Control Computer systems.
The (94th ACG) was proud to have been in attendance at this event and wish fair winds and clear skies to the entire program.

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