Friday, February 3, 2012

94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group Continues Their Support In Assisting Miami Based World Atlantic Airlines Fleet Growth

N803WA tail basking in the warm Miami, Florida sun light
with its new World Atlantic Airlines logo scheme
N803WA still in maintenance service at Miami Tech with its port side
World Atlantic Airlines logo being applied
N705MT re-registered as N803WA with its new, fresh World Atlantic Airlines paint scheme
N705MT having been fully scuffed for pending fuselage
paint job of an overall white paint scheme
N705MT tail section pre-painted for pending World Atlantic Airlines colors. Note number two engine covered during painting
N705MT s/n 49507 within Miami Tech hangar being scuffed up prior to being fully painted
N705MT which was formerly held Spanish registered as EC-HJB

Miami, Florida August to November 2011: In mid July the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) was once again re-activated by World Atlantic Airlines (WAA) to undertake yet a second pre-buy inspection of another possible candidate MD-82 for fleet consideration.
The (94th ACG) dispatched one of their senior adviser, Mr, Steven Prather to San Antonio, Texas to the AeroSky maintenance facility were the aircraft was located, so as to link up with elements of Jetran International leasing so as to conduct a pre-buy physical and records audit of the candidate aircraft. At the time of the inspection the subject did not have engine installed.
The aircraft meet the minimal requirements in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 121.380 and 121.380(a) and was thus accepted by Miami Tech on behave of World Atlantic Airlines.
The aircraft was then fitted with two Pratt & Whitney JT8D-217A's and ferry flown from San Antonio (SAT) to Miami (MIA) and was inducted into maintenance consisting of its scheduled D-Check at Miami Tech. The check commenced on August 23rd and the (94th ACG) was actively operating and embedded within Miami Tech hangar in support of World Atlantic Airlines effectively on 29th August.
The (94th ACG) primary mission was to ensure Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) compliance for fleet / (FAA) conformity when the time came. The aircraft was inducted into service with a total of 44, 000 plus hours and 32,000 plus cycles (actual time is being considered confidential at this time).
The (94th ACG) time on station with the project spanned a time period from late August to mid November, at which such time the (94th ACG) stood down and past the primary duties to World Atlantic Airlines Records and Quality Assurance Department. During their operational time, the (94th ACG) had the personal and professional of knowing and operating with personnel from Jetran International leasing, Miami Tech and various other professionals.
Once finally activated N803WA as she is now officially know will be an important assets to World Atlantic Airlines as they grow their operational fleet.

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