Tuesday, February 14, 2012

94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group Exercises "Flex-Weather Ops" When Tending To Very Discrete Clients

Gulfstream G-1V on the ramp in the sun
Mr. C.L. Cochran Aircraft / Air Ops Logistics guru
any part, anytime, anywhere world wide
A Special King Air BE-100 on the ramp in the sunshine
Mr. TJ Humes group Pilot (Fixed Wing & Rotary) aircraft
in cold Middle America
Team Leader Benny The Jett experiencing
cooler weather than normal during this time of the year
Citation II on the ramp in Middle America awaiting further
flight activities by the 94th ACG preferably to head to warmer weather

Somewhere in Middle America & Southern State 13th & 14th February 2012: On a short, no notice requirement by a very discrete and highly specialized client of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) elements of the (94th ACG) found themselves conducting "Flex-Weather" Ops in as having to head to and operate within two very different climate zones within the U.S. From bone chilling 22 degrees within Middle America with expected heavy snowfall to sunny 76 degrees in the Southern part of our Nation. The requirements was to conduct required operational audits on various assets and to mitigate the pending return of one certain aerial platform to it financial institution of ownership.
With the normal UNLIKE ANYTHING READY FOR EVERYTHING mind set members of the (94th ACG) accomplished five flights, totaling fifteen (15) flight hours within three days to meet all pending requirements in a timely and professional manner.
Upon completion of said requirements, members of the (94th ACG) Feb 12-14 / 2012 GO Team disbanded and return to their respective Cities by means of commercial air travel thus concluding their "Flex-Weather" Ops.

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