Supported by the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG), U.S.A.F personnel are shown enjoying a break with a hot meal and drinks within the Air Force Association (AFA) Miami Chapter, the 317th V.I.P Tent at the 2009 Homestead Air Reserve Base "Wings Over Homestead Air Show". The 317th opened its door and tended to the feeding of any U.S. Military personnel in uniform to include civil servant as Police Officers and Fire Fighters at the on both days
Brigadier General, William Binger, the Commanding Office of the Homestead Air Reserve Base speaks with AFA Miami Chapter Vice President Stan Bodner a long time Chapter member, as Catherine Smallwood the Chapter newly elected Chapter Secretary to be installed on 19th November 2009 watches on. General Binger gave the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group and the AFA Miami Chapter an "Outstanding" for their combined and joint service and commitment in supporting this year airshow
Shown with a well feed and happy C-130 flight crew from Warner Robbin Air Force just outside Atlanta, Georgia is Benny F. Benitez, the Founder and CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group who rallied within the last week before the show to raise over US$ 1,000.00 form business colleagues and friends to support the effort. Contributing group worthy of mention are Mr. Ron Infantino of AFLAC, The Cochran Law Firm of Miami, Complete Turbine Support and Continental Aircraft Support who answered the call for support. A special appreciation to Flight Power Management who provided the tent.
Shown with a B-52 crew from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana is Mr. Roger Jarman of Atlantic Models who are huge supporter of the U.S.A.F, the AFA-317th Chapter and the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group. The Barksdale crew are shown holding a B-52 model and mini B-52nose display section produced by Atlantic Models
Shown above with Benny F. Benitez is the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group, Consulting Senior Manager System Operations-Latin America & Technical Translator (Spanish) Ms. Maite C. Munoz who also is a member of the AFA-317th Chapter and has been instrumental to the Firm concerning the business of translation and creation of documents and correspondence to the Firms Latin American Clients.
Brigadier General, William Binger, the Commanding Office of the Homestead Air Reserve Base speaks with AFA Miami Chapter Vice President Stan Bodner a long time Chapter member, as Catherine Smallwood the Chapter newly elected Chapter Secretary to be installed on 19th November 2009 watches on. General Binger gave the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group and the AFA Miami Chapter an "Outstanding" for their combined and joint service and commitment in supporting this year airshow
Shown with a well feed and happy C-130 flight crew from Warner Robbin Air Force just outside Atlanta, Georgia is Benny F. Benitez, the Founder and CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group who rallied within the last week before the show to raise over US$ 1,000.00 form business colleagues and friends to support the effort. Contributing group worthy of mention are Mr. Ron Infantino of AFLAC, The Cochran Law Firm of Miami, Complete Turbine Support and Continental Aircraft Support who answered the call for support. A special appreciation to Flight Power Management who provided the tent.
Shown with a B-52 crew from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana is Mr. Roger Jarman of Atlantic Models who are huge supporter of the U.S.A.F, the AFA-317th Chapter and the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group. The Barksdale crew are shown holding a B-52 model and mini B-52nose display section produced by Atlantic Models
Shown above with Benny F. Benitez is the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group, Consulting Senior Manager System Operations-Latin America & Technical Translator (Spanish) Ms. Maite C. Munoz who also is a member of the AFA-317th Chapter and has been instrumental to the Firm concerning the business of translation and creation of documents and correspondence to the Firms Latin American Clients.
Homestead, Florida, 7th & 8th November 2009: One of the virtues concerning the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group core values is its wiliness and ability to give back to the community and it is a trait that has set the (94th ACG) apart from the rest within its six years of continuous operations. Recognizing that business is not necessarily all business, the (94th ACG) harnessed and borough to bare its business resources, contacts and talent so as to add their contribution toward the success of this year "Wing Over Homestead Airshow".
As a solid and established supporter of the Air Force Association (AFA) and with a few of its team members serving within the ranks of the local AFA-Miami Chapter, the 317th, (94th ACG) excelled with their support of which was recognized and acknowledged by the base Commander Brigadier General William Binger U.S.AF, as an "Outstanding Effort" and much appericated.