Shown photographed at the 19th June 2013 Miami Maintenance Management Council (MMMC) monthly meeting at the Miami Springs Country Club is Captain Larry Harvery, USN (Ret.) Executive Director for the Center of Advanced Aerospace Platforms & Applications (CAAPA) and Benny F. Benitez Founder & CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group two former U.S. Navy Flyers
Mr. Harvey having a side bar chat after his informative speech about Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV's) at the (MMMC). Shown is Mr. Harvey speaking about UAV issues with Mr. Roger Jarman of Atlantic Models as Ms. Kim Mercer listens and part takes in the conversation
Ms. Kim Mercer an (MMMC) Board of Director and Mr. Harvey sharing a laugh at the (MMMC) meeting
Undoubtedly the best, world wide recognized image of an Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) the Atomic General MQ-9 Reaper
Known as the Miniature Air Vehicle Recon Intelligence Collector (MAVRIC). This designed was created by the Founder & CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group Benny F Benitez
The imagine of the (M.A.V.R.I.C) has been visually brought to life from is primary technical drawing by the (94th ACG) subsidiary known as the Digital Aircraft Factory which is over seen by its Chief Aviation Artist Ms. Catherine Smallwood
Miami, Florida 17th July 2013: In the spirit and creed of the U.S. Army Rangers "Rangers Lead The Way" the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) under the leadership of its founder and CEO, Benny F. Benitez in conjunction with the Federal Aviation Reserve a newly and specifically created subsidiary of the (94th ACG) and in a joint ready operation with ARMATECH of West Palm Beach, The George T. Baker Aviation School and the Center of Advance Aerospace Platforms and Applications (CAAPA) are to lead the way toward bringing the Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV's) exposure and operational / training experience to Miami, Florida.
In further blog articles releases, we shall provide our readers with what promise to be a cutting edge, one of kind, private project being formulated by the (94th ACG) and the Federal Aviation Reserve and which shall usher Miami-Dade school students, particularly those from the George T. Baker Aviation School into the realm of UAV's, of which we believe is the future of aviation.