Benny F. Benitez, the creator of the Commercial Aircraft Technical to Tactical (CATT) training program as well as the Founder and CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) is shown with the Lt. Col. A. Santa Maria of the Colombian National Police who is assigned as a liaison to the U.S. Embassy in Bogota, Colombia. The Colonel was most appreciative of the supplemental training which was provided by the 94th ACG
Another who expressed his appreciation for added value training of his troops onto the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group was Colombian National Police / Commandos of the Jungle Division Commanding Officer, Lt. Colonel Arnulfo Rosemberg Novoa Pineros who was presented at the formal graduation ceremony for his Troopers
Appreciation toward the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG) for their dedication and support toward Law Enforcement was not only forth coming from the Colombians but from Miami-Dade County "Top Cop" Miami-Dade Police Department Director Juan J. Perez who personally thanked Benny Benitez for his and his company support of the Department, especially in supporting the aviation advisory need for the Special Response Team (SRT)
A proud and well trained member of the elite Jungle Commandos stand in front of the colors during the post graduation festivity at the Miami-Dade Police Department Training Center
Always proud of the many International Law Enforcement groups in which the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group has the pleasure and opportunity to train and educate via the U.S. Department of State (INL) Program on the matters of commercial aircraft attributes and technical issues, the group shot with the graduates is always the proudest moment of accomplishment
Miami, Florida 24th February 2017: Its has been said that hard work and dedication is always recognized among your colleagues and peers and such was the case for both the group of thirty (30) Colombian National Police "Jungle Commandos" and the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG).
In successfully adding the Colombian National Police to the list of foreign allied law enforcement groups trained, the 94th ACG can now boost that they have trained five (5) law enforcement group, thus four from Latin America and one from the Caribbean since 2014 in their Commercial Aircraft Technical to Tactical (CATT) course.
This is in direct support of the U.S. State Department International Narcotics Law enforcement (INL) program, as with all prior groups their training has been enhanced by the CATT course. The effective leadership of these groups are always grateful and personally express their gratitude for the exposure. Such was the case this time with the Commanding Officer of the Colombian Jungle Commandos Lt. Col. Arnulfo Rosemberg Novoa Pineros personally thanking Mr, Benny Benitez as well as Miami-Dade Police 'Top Cop" Police Director Juan J. Perez for their expertise and effort.
For the 94th ACG being relevant both at home and aboard is what makes it all worth wild.