Shown at the conference which was held at the School audio / visual room (i.e. Library) are George T. Baker personnel Donna DePriest, and Dr. Sean Gallagan, School Principle, as accompanied by Dr. Wiener LeBlanc, Robert Christensen and Joey Bautista, School Principle at Miami-Dade, North Miami High School
Shown in front of the 737-201, N205AU are Benny Benitez, Founder and CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group the organizer of the event, Joey Bautista, Madam, Marina Gourgue, Minster of Education for the Nation of Haiti and Dr. Wiener Le Blanc from the Haitian Resource Development Foundation (
Madam Marina Gourgue and Benny Benitez pose for a photograph next to the 737 a tremendous efforts, as the already accomplished School project and now the effort to bring basic aviation training and basic understanding of English to the youth of Haiti
Dr. Wiener Le Blanc explains the condition of the current educational system in Haiti and the challenge that it will present to this project, as Dr. Gallagan and Robert Christensen listens
In an official photograph that take for the Haitian press with Dr. Leblanc, Dr. Gallagan, Madam Gourgue and Mr. Yves Vilfranche IT Director for the Haitian School system
Miami, Florida 9th December 2011: In an never ending effort to forge new paths, ideas and challenges, Benny F. Benitez, Founder & CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group set forth on a new community project on an International scale. The idea to bring basic aviation training and basic understanding of English to the youth of the Nation of Haiti.
Again, calling on the George T. Baker Aviation School, which presents a tremendous assets as well as having the support of Dr. Sean Gallagan, School Principle of the idea, so as to explore the possibilities, we organized and held our first International meeting to bring the talents, experience and assets of the Miami aviation industry to youth of a beleaguered Nation.
Special thanks and appreciation goes to Dr. Adly Castor a prominent Haitian-American Medical Doctor who was Benny's first point of contact through their affiliation with Miami-FBI Office for the idea and his views to the project for taking the proposed idea to Haitian Government.
Dr. Castor and Dr. Le Blanc efforts resulted with the delegation who attended, as shown above.
Dr. Adly Castor and Dr. Wiener Le Blanc head up and run the Haitian Development Resource Foundation (HDRF )
Also present at the meeting by invitation and who are not shown in the above photographs were:
Mr. Brain Loomer VP & General Manager of AAR
Mr. Jimmy Perez of Mach-One Training Company
Mr. Robert Christensen of AIRLINERS Magazine
Mr. Angel Perez of the George T. Baker Aviation School
The official Haitian delegation that were in attendance were:
Mrs. Madam Marina Gourgue
Mr. Yves Vilfranche
Mrs. Patricia Allien
The success of projects such as the Boeing 737 and now the Haitian aviation project that are spawned by the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group, under the leadership of its Founder and CEO Benny Benitez are ONLY achieved and accomplished by a total TEAM effort of friends, colleagues and the overall support of the South Florida aviation industry.
The Haitian project if successful, will hopefully create contractor jobs for Teachers and Technical Instructors to be deployed to Haiti to work on set period of time. The efforts for 2012 will see the (94th ACG) and the group as a whole reaching out to the Clinton Foundation and others who have pledged to assist Haiti. Dr. Adly Castor has reached far across the Atlantic Ocean to France, as he is speaking to Renault, the French automobile manufacture for their assistance as well.