May-September 2006 Miami, Florida: The 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consulting Group(94th ACG)was called upon by the Credomatic Bank of Nicaragua to assist them in obtaining their Reduced Vertical Spacing Means "RVSM" certification for their Bombardier LearJet 60, N380BA, s/n 292.
The 94th ACG provided their technical publication expertise to create Credomatic Flight Department RVSM Manual for FAA review and certification.
The Firm liaised and engaged with the Miami Flight District International Office (FSDIO) who oversee all regulatory and certification issues on U.S. Registered aircraft which operate in Latin America, so as to assist Credomatic in obtaining full RVSM certification. Credomatic RVSM manual was created in accordance with all applicable FAR's, advise and guidance received from the FAA.
Despite having to deal with the common bureaucracy that appears to stymie the FAA at times, as well as an embarrassing issue in which the local FSDIO actually lost the submitted RVSM manual with their very own office spaces resulted in Firm having various meetings with the FSDIO manager and after expressing thier displeasure the Firm contacted the local Congressional office of the honorable Congressman Lincoln Diaz Belard (Rep.) who serves on U.S. Aviation Sub-Committee, the manual was found and approved by the FAA with no further delays.