Being shown from right to left is the newly established Miami UAV Team that Benny Benitez, the Founder and CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group has assembled. Shown are Mr. Joe Martinez, the Founder and CEO of West Palm Beach, Florida based Armatech Group as accompany by their CFO, Ms. Cherie Garrison sitting next to Dr. Sean Gallagan, Principle of the George T Baker Aviation School. Also present at the UAV kick off meeting by Dr. Gallagen invite was Mrs. Pamela J. Johnson, District Supervisor, Miami-Dade School Operations-Adult Education
Shown are a few of Benny's hand picked members so as to fill the ranks of what is being dubbed the "Miami UAV Group" Shown from left to right are Mr. Guillermo Cueto a Executive level expert concerning National Security issues, Mr. Alex Munoz and Mr. Jimmy Perez the principles of Mach-One Aviation Services who shall facilitate all related and required liaising with the FAA on a local, region and if need be a Washington D.C. / Headquarters level during the development toward the project
Shown conversing with Mr. Cueto the project national security group expert is Mr. Codi Diamond, the group flight department leader. Codi is an FAA license and rated commercial, CFI, CFII, MEI pilot who has experience flying the Cessna Citation I jet and the Pilatus PC-12 turbo-prop aircraft. Codi also serves as the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group corporate pilot and is currently studying for his Law degree and to specialize in aviation litigation and contracts
Leading the effort and flanked by top notch personnel is Benny Benitez who vision to bring Armatech creative design capabilities and well founded experience with radio control aircraft designs and real world, high risk experience within the Middle East as led by its founder Mr.Joe Martinez.
Shown from left to right is Mrs. Maria Peterson and U.S. Naval Aviator, Commander Larry Harvey, USN (Ret.) representing the Center for Advance Aerospace Platforms and Applications (CAAPA) and a key team members concerning their experience within the U.A.V industry and their advocacy abilities. Shown next to Commander Harvey is Mrs. Pamela Johnson of the Miami-Dade School District
Position by the School Boeing 737-200, N205AU are Guillermo Cueto, Dr. Sean Gallagan and Benny Benitez who's efforts, contacts and relentless organization resulted in the school having their first fully operational, commercial aircraft beneficial for the students
The CGS Hawk ultra light, which shall be provided to the school on behave of Armtech, Corp. on a long term loan and shall serve the proof of concept / demonstrator platform for the project.
The group in full focus as Commander Harvey speaks in detail about the many applications that the CGS Hawk could serve as a demonstrator UAV aircraft
Show from left to right is Mr. Alex Munoz one of the principle of Mach One Aviation Services and Mr. Joe Martinez of Armatech. Having managed production teams within Northrope / Grumman on the USAF B-2 program, Alex is no stranger to complex projects. Joe real world operational experience within the Middle East are true and time tested and a force multiplier to the team
Engaged in a conversation concerning U.A.V implementation on a global scale is Mach One Aviation Service second principle, Mr. Jimmy Perez as he speaks with Mrs. Maria Peterson from the Center for Advance Aerospace Platforms and Applications (CAAPA)
Shown all in one photograph is the entire Miami UAV Team who will usher in the concept, awareness and creation of Miami-Dade first ever locally constructed and operated Unmanned Air Vehicle within the whole of South Florida to be created by the students at George T. Baker, truly a cutting edge project
Miami, Florida 18th September 2013: Earth is becoming a drone planet. By 2020 some experts predict that as many as 20,000 drones could patrol our skies. We will farm with drones, conduct scientific research with drones, engineer with drones, sell real estate with drones, flight fires with drones, and do just about anything else that could benefit from an eye in the sky.
with that said and under the visionary approach of Benny F. Benitez, Founder and CEO of the 94th AeroClaims-Aviation Consultant Group (94th ACG), drones are coming to Miami, Florida. In a first, one of kind project the (94th ACG) has assembled a hand picked team of aviation professionals to create what is being dubbed the Miami UAV Team. The mission, to bring Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) awareness and exposure to the students of the George T. Baker Aviation School. The core of the project is centered with West Palm Beach based ArmaTech, Corporation, which is led by Mr. Joe Martinez and Ms. Cherie Garrison who are providing the school with a CGS Hawk ultra-light, which shall serve as the project demonstrator, proof of concept aircraft. The ultra-light shall be assembled by the school, test flown with a pilot for airworthiness than a series of test flights both manned and unmanned shall develop the CGS Hawk ultra-light into Miami first home made UAV.
Coupled into this undertaking is the Florida based Center for Advance Aerospace Platforms and Application (CAAPA) under the direction of Larry Harvey, U.S. Navy Commander (Ret.) and Mrs. Maria Peterson. Local FAA regulatory consultant firm known as Mach One Aviation Services, Inc. is another force multiplier within the project. Talents in flight training and national security are also issues being factored into the equation with the presence of Mr. Codi Diamond, team, FAA certified commercially rated pilot and flight instructor. The very nature of U.A.Vs playing vital day to day role in the defense of our Nation and upon the request of Benny an expert within the executive level of National Security, Mr. Guillermo Cueto has been enlisted to lead and advise as needed within his area of expertise and contacts as the project process.
The newly assembled Miami U.A.V Team is bringing the future of aviation to Miami, Florida. Future project posting and development updates shall follow.
The newly assembled Miami U.A.V Team is bringing the future of aviation to Miami, Florida. Future project posting and development updates shall follow.